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CLGE was present at PCC Meeting in Cyprus

CLGE was present at PCC Meeting in Cyprus

On November 29th-30th the second annual PCC Meeting took place in Pafos (Cyprus) . Read more
CLGE Students’ Contest – Take part in 2013!

CLGE Students’ Contest – Take part in 2013!

CLGE has launched the second European Students’ Contest for this academic year 2012 – 2013. The last edition was a huge success, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. Read more
CLGE Past President passed away

CLGE Past President passed away

Dear Colleagues and Friends, Very sad news from Bottrop (Germany). Last night, our long-time delegate, Past President, Honorary Member and Friend, Klaus Rürup passed away after a long illness. Read more
CLGE cooperates with GSA for the ESE in Budapest

CLGE cooperates with GSA for the ESE in Budapest

From 20 tot 25 March, Budapest will host the European Space Expo. Read more
CLGE President presents his New Year’s wishes

CLGE President presents his New Year’s wishes

In the name of his Executive Board, Jean-Yves Pirlot, CLGE President, presents his best wishes for 2013! Read more
CLGE takes part in a EU Green Book Consultation

CLGE takes part in a EU Green Book Consultation

As decided during the Hanover GA in October 2012, a task force of CLGE took part in the consultation on a Green Paper: “Marine Knowledge 2020: from seabed mapping to ocean forecasting. Read more
FIG Work Shop of  Commission  3

FIG Work Shop of Commission 3

The Annual FIG Commission 3 workshop/conference, jointly with the 2012 WPLA workshop, Athens, Greece

Read more here. Read more

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