Latest News

CLGE meets European GNSS Agency (GSA)

CLGE meets European GNSS Agency (GSA)

On 23 November 2012,  CLGE President Jean-Yves Pirlot and Vicepresident Pedro J. Ortiz met with GSA officers at GSA’s Headquarter in Prague (CZ). Read more
A new CLGE Executive Board was appointed

A new CLGE Executive Board was appointed

The Hanover CLGE General Assembly has appointed a new board. Read more
CLGE GA in Budapest

CLGE GA in Budapest

While the Hanover GA still has to unfold, the Budapest GA is already planned. Read more
CLGE Students Contest 2012

CLGE Students Contest 2012

The first CLGE Students contest has successfully been implemented.

The jury has decided to award prizes in two categories.

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4th International Training Course in Topography for Young Surveyors

4th International Training Course in Topography for Young Surveyors

The course organized by CNGeGL in cooperation with S.P.A. Geoweb and with local support of the Spanish Land surveyor’s Association took place in Madrid, from 17 to 28 September 2012. Read more
CLGE takes position about the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications

CLGE takes position about the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications

On 20 September 2012, CLGE has sent its position paper about the new European Directive on the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications. Read more
XXII Nordic Surveyors Congress

XXII Nordic Surveyors Congress

Please read the CLGE President opening address here. Read more

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