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CLGE Contributes to the Green Paper on Professional Qualifications

CLGE Contributes to the Green Paper on Professional Qualifications

The Council of Geodetic Surveyors has contributed to the Green Paper Modernizing the Professional Qualifications Directive. Read more
Danko Markovinović, appointed CLGE Vice President for GI

Danko Markovinović, appointed CLGE Vice President for GI

On 6 May 2011, Danko Markovinović (HR), was appointed as CLGE Vice-President for GI by the General Assembly.

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The Geodetic Future of Europe – Read the Umeå statement now!

The Geodetic Future of Europe – Read the Umeå statement now!

From 22 –23 June, CLGE and Aspect have organized a seminar in Umeå about the geodetic infrastructure inEurope, together with some FIG commission V delegates. The seminar has produced a statement that will be tabled to the respective organizations.

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Sad news from Luxembourg

Sad news from Luxembourg

The Luxembourg Surveyors community and CLGE have to informe that our Colleague and Friend Felix Peckels has passed away on 29 June 2011, after a long and courageous battle against illness.

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Surveyors Day in the Republic of Moldova

Surveyors Day in the Republic of Moldova

Let’s celebrate the Moldavian Surveyors Day … and learn!

By governmental decision, every last Sunday in July is declared “Surveyors Day” in the Republic of Moldova. Read more
CLGE launches a tender about the implementation of a Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base (DPKB).

CLGE launches a tender about the implementation of a Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base (DPKB).

CLGE intends to build a dynamic knowledge base with relevant information about the profession of Geodetic Surveyors in all 34 CLGE member countries (for details on the project please see the enclosed project description).

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FYR Macedonia becomes the 34th member of CLGE!

FYR Macedonia becomes the 34th member of CLGE!

During the May General Assembly in Opatija (HR), the Chamber of Authorized Surveyors of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was unanimously appointed as a new Principal Member of CLGE.

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