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Klaus Rürup becomes Honorary member of CLGE

Klaus Rürup becomes Honorary member of CLGE

On request of the German Liaison Group composed by BDVI and DVW, the CLGE Ex-Board has nominated Past-President Klaus Rürup as Honorary member of CLGE. Read more
Result of the MoU with EuroGeographics

Result of the MoU with EuroGeographics

As a result of the MoU with EuroGeographics, Henning Elmstroem was invited to attend the EG GA in Sibiu Romania. Read more
CLGE welcomes two new members

CLGE welcomes two new members

CLGE welcomes two new members In Strasbourg, the CLGE General Assembly welcomed two new members. Latvia, represented by Elita Baklane, is a new principal member. Read more

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