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CLGE releases the final report on Marine Cadastre

CLGE releases the final report on Marine Cadastre

Dear CLGE Delegates and Readers, The five leading European organizations dealing with Cadastre, Land Registry, Mapping and Surveying issues (CLGE, ELRA, EULIS, Eurogeographics, PCC), are at the pleasant position to present you the final deliverable of our first common project after the signing of our Common Vision in 2012 (previous version, for archives). Read more
Young Surveyors support DPKB

Young Surveyors support DPKB

CLGE and FIG YSEN invite European young surveyors to collaborate on CLGEs Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base. Read more
Young Surveyors! Join the FIG Young Surveyors European Network

Young Surveyors! Join the FIG Young Surveyors European Network

It is online! The 5th FIG Young Surveyors European Meeting will be held in Helsinki, Finland in conjunction with the FIG Working Week. Don’t miss this chance to join the worldwide surveying community – So did you register and are you coming? Read more
FIG Working Week in Helsinki

FIG Working Week in Helsinki

In 2017, the FIG Working Week will take place in Europe, in Helsinki (FI). This is a very good opportunity for all CLGE delegations to try to be present or represented. Read more
IGS organises the V CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor

IGS organises the V CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor

The website of the V CLGE Conference is launched. Registration details will be forwarded soon. Read more
New CLGE Ex-Board is appointed

New CLGE Ex-Board is appointed

During the General Assembly held in Riga from 22 to 24 September, the new Executive Board was elected. Read more
CLGE Students Contest 2016

CLGE Students Contest 2016

The fifth CLGE Students contest has successfully been implemented.

The jury has decided to award prizes in three categories. After announcing the contest, 9 papers, all with high quality, was received in these three categories within the deadline 8th of August 2016. This is one paper more than in the previous Year.

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