Latest News

Congrats to our Hungarian Colleagues

Congrats to our Hungarian Colleagues

The European Surveyor of 2015 was celebrated in several European countries, including Belgium, Cyprus, Latvia, and Slovenia. Other reports could follow. Read more
GSA Joins the CLGE Students’ Contest

GSA Joins the CLGE Students’ Contest

Great News from Prague! The European GNSS Agency GSA, based in Prague, joins the CLGE Students’ Contest and a new category of the contest is created at this occasion. Read more
CLGE welcomes the launch of the IPMS for offices

CLGE welcomes the launch of the IPMS for offices

CLGE plays a major role within a worldwide coalition for transparency in Real Estate Transactions Read more
CLGE students contest 2014

CLGE students contest 2014

The third CLGE Students contest has been successfully implemented The jury has decided to award prizes in three categories. Read more
EGNOS User Satisfaction Survey

EGNOS User Satisfaction Survey

CLGE represents and promotes the geodetic surveying profession within Europe, therefore asks all its members to take part in a survey as experts and users of GNSS technology. Read more
CLGE’s WP for euREAL and IPMS meeting at HESGI

CLGE’s WP for euREAL and IPMS meeting at HESGI

On August 13th, CLGE’s Working Party for euREAL and IPMS meeting, at the House of The European Surveyor and GeoInformation in Brussels, was fruitful and led to constructive amendments to the IPMS exposure draft! Read more
IMPS Consultation

IMPS Consultation

Dear CLGE Delegates, Dear Interested Readers, A new IPMS-C Standards consultation is out. Read more

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