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Anatolie Ghilas, Director General of the Moldavian NMCA to open the CLGE GA

Anatolie Ghilas, Director General of the Moldavian NMCA to open the CLGE GA

Great News from Chisinau. Anatolie Ghilas, Director General of the Land Relation and Cadaster Agency to open the CLGE GA on the 4th October in Chisinau. Read more
Albert Jacquard has passed away

Albert Jacquard has passed away

The « young man » Albert Jacquard, who bluffed our CLGE audience during the Bucharest GA with a very interesting and fresh philosophical speech about our profession, has passed away on 12 September 2013, aged 87.

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CLGE qualifies for a Leonardo Programme

CLGE qualifies for a Leonardo Programme

Breaking news from the Commission. CLGE qualifies for a Leonardo Programme! Twenty years ago, a lost driver would have driven his car to the side of the road and looked for a map hidden in the glove compartment. Read more
Frederic Mortier Represents CLGE in the IPMS Standard Setting Committee

Frederic Mortier Represents CLGE in the IPMS Standard Setting Committee

CLGE’s takes part in the International Property Measurement Standard Coalition (IPMS – C). Frederic Mortier, was appointed as a member of the Standard Setting Committee. Read more
CLGE takes part in the GNSS Consultation

CLGE takes part in the GNSS Consultation

The European Commission has launched a public consultation about the GNSS Action Plan 2014 – 2018. Read more
World organizations unite to improve investor confidence in real estate

World organizations unite to improve investor confidence in real estate

Birth of a Global Coalition to tackle real estate market uncertainty. Developing and implementing of International Property Measurement Standards Read more
CLGE was present at PCC Meeting in Cyprus

CLGE was present at PCC Meeting in Cyprus

On November 29th-30th the second annual PCC Meeting took place in Pafos (Cyprus) . Read more

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